Acronym: Tracker Assistant

Use-cases: HelloWorld, LoireFlooding, HelloCosmetic (to come)


R-IOTA enables you to compare two models: the EXPECTED model (expected from the collaborative process) and the ACTIVE model (the on-going-situation). If the distance is too great, a new process can be deduced.


Main functionalities

Detect the differences between the expected situation and current situations

Zoom-in/out on the canvas

Switch to a modeler/graph/map view of the situation model(s)


Switch to a separate/unified view of the expected and current situation model

Manage the visibility of layers

How does the detection works?

R-IOTA enables R-IOSUITE to monitor a process during its orchestration. R-IOTA can be used when, and only when, R-IOWA is running one of the processes described in R-IODA.

How does the projection works?