U.C. Drugs logistics in Albi

Indicateurs: duration, cost, costPerDuration


This case study aims to test the interpretation engine of R-IOSUITE on a logistics process: the drug logistics
in Albi.

Regular test of the Case study

0: Upload the case study on R-IOGA



1: Orchestrate the process

Activate the supervision and set all the tasks to the current user

2: Advance all the Make and Stock tasks

3:Lunch all the data source

Lancer le bison futé 3

4: See the results!


Evaluation of the speed of interpretation and contextualization

0: Upload the case study on R-IOGA

1: Open R-IOPLAY and launch bisonfute1000 on R-IOSEMIT

This can take more than 20 minutes

 On a x64-based PC, Intel(R), core(TM) i5-8250U CPU, 1.60Ghz, 1800 MHz, four cores and eight logic processors

Frequency: 1 event / 500 ms = 2 events / s

Time for Notification, Interpretation, Contextualization & VisualisationMinimum time due to the frequency choiceDifference

minsfrequencyminsfrequencys% (s)
Test 112:437631,31 events / s8:33513
Test 215:409401,06 events / s8:33513

  On the server: 

Frequency: 1 event / 500 ms = 2 events / s

Time for Notification, Interpretation, Contextualization & VisualisationMinimum time due to the frequency choiceDifference

minsfrequencyminsfrequencys% (s)
Test 112:437631,31 events / s8:33513
Test 215:409401,06 events / s8:33513